Welcome to the Handwriting Masterclass
Notebook Position
4 line notebook
Day 1 - Basic Strokes
1st Basic Stroke - Slant
2nd Basic Stroke - C wave
3rd Basic Stroke - S Curve
4th Basic Stroke - Overturn
5th Basic Stroke - Underturn
6th Basic Stroke - Ascender Loop
7th Basic Stroke - Descender loop
Practicing the basic Strokes
Basic strokes printable practice sheet
Day 2
Head and Tail Stroke
(a, c, e, o, x) c wave letters
(s, r) s curve letters
(m, n) overturn letters
Day 3
(b, d, f, h, k, l and t) ascender letters
(j, g, q, p, y, z) descender letters
(u, v, w, i) underturn letters
Day 4
small letter words
Assignment 1
word spacing
Assignment 2
Day 5
Capital Basics
A, B, D, F, K, L, P, R, T Letters with Universal Line of Beauty
C, E and G
Remaining Capital Letters
Day 6
Capital Letter Words - Part 1
Capital Letter Words - Part 2
Capital Connections
Preview - Handwriting Masterclass
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